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Welcome to international bestselling author Lucinda Riley's website, author of Hothouse Flower, Girl on the Cliff, Light Behind the Window and the upcoming Midnight Rose.
Knitwear designer-maker and author of 8 Knitting and Crochet books, Lucinda Guy creates designs for adults and children, as well as toys and accessories. Visit
The official Site of Lucinda Fredericks Equestrian Ltd. Lucinda Fredericks is a champion equestrian sportswoman competing at the highest levels of equestrian eventing and rides for the Australian Team.
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Welcome to the official website of Lucinda Sibille, author of Dragon Swirl: In the Beginning. Learn all about Lucinda Sibille and Dragon Swirl: In the Beginning
Knitwear designer-maker and author of 8 Knitting and Crochet books, Lucinda Guy creates designs for adults and children, as well as toys and accessories. Visit