An online liturgy preparation resource from OCP providing a comprehensive planner with music suggestions, information from the ordo, the Sacramentary and ritual prayers of the celebration, Lectionary readings with insightful commentaries and homilies, bul
Liturgy Planning Images offers to its members, for a subscription fee, a developing range of services to assist communities in providing visual aids for their liturgy, prayer and spiritual formation.
Jill Maria Murdy is a nationally known Catholic liturgist, musician, author and lecturer. Welcome to her home page. She is director of Liturgy at St. Frances Cabrini Parish and has written many articles.
World Library Publications is a division of J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. and is a leader in the Catholic publishing world, providing Catholic music, liturgy and worship resources, Mass Settings, Mass Music, more.
Catholic liturgy for the whole parish: guidance for liturgy preparation, faith formation, liturgical art and architecture, and the many areas of parish ministry that flow from the liturgy
Catholic liturgy for the whole parish: guidance for liturgy preparation, faith formation, liturgical art and architecture, and the many areas of parish ministry that flow from the liturgy
Catholic liturgy for the whole parish: guidance for liturgy preparation, faith formation, liturgical art and architecture, and the many areas of parish ministry that flow from the liturgy
The Heavenly Banquet is the most comprehensive explanation of the words and actions of the Divine Liturgy available. Written in understandable language.
Catholic liturgy for the whole parish: guidance for liturgy preparation, faith formation, liturgical art and architecture, and the many areas of parish ministry that flow from the liturgy
The Heavenly Banquet is the most comprehensive explanation of the words and actions of the Divine Liturgy available. Written in understandable language.