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Illuminatus 2.2 is alaser lightshow that performs at Michigan trade shows, conventions, concerts, dances and parties. We have featured laser displays, custom-made digital video imagery and environmental lighting at Youmacon and World Steam Expo.
Illuminatus 2.2 is alaser lightshow that performs at Michigan trade shows, conventions, concerts, dances and parties. We have featured laser displays, custom-made digital video imagery and environmental lighting at Youmacon and World Steam Expo.
Illuminatus 2.2 is alaser lightshow that performs at Michigan trade shows, conventions, concerts, dances and parties. We have featured laser displays, custom-made digital video imagery and environmental lighting at Youmacon and World Steam Expo. is your first and best source for information about lightshow . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
TVLightbox - DVD Lightshow that makes the party go! Specially created, patent-pending DVD that illuminates the room or dance-floor for a fun party vibe.