Keep your employees motivated and productive, wherever they are. By implementing our global employee assistance programme(EAP) you can promote the health and wellbeing of your employees whilst at the same time improving productivity and reducing costs.
IdentiCo staat voor Identiteitscoaching en richt zich in haar aanbod naar jongeren (vanaf 14 jaar) en volwassenen met vragen rond Zelfbeeld, Communicatie, Stressbeheer en Talentontwikkeling. Coach en zaakvoerder is Sonja Truyen.
Keep your employees motivated and productive, wherever they are. By implementing our global employee assistance programme(EAP) you can promote the health and wellbeing of your employees whilst at the same time improving productivity and reducing costs.
Keep your employees motivated and productive, wherever they are. By implementing our global employee wellbeing programme (EWP) you can promote the health and wellbeing of your employees whilst at the same time improving productivity and reducing costs.
De Nederlandse lokale overheden staan voor grote uitdagingen. Steeds meer taken worden gedecentraliseerd, terwijl tegelijkertijd de middelen afnemen. Publieke spelers en marktpartijen raken steeds meer verweven en de overheid vraagt meer eigen verantwoord
Life takes a team. Sometimes tasks such as bill paying, medical claims review, and personal book-keeping can be overwhelming. PR Life Management Services can help.