Kanso, nabil kanso's art works: The Split of Life, America, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait,Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Africa, Apocalypse, theatre of war
Kanso, nabil kanso's art works: The Split of Life, America, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait,Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Africa, Apocalypse, theatre of war
Apocalypse: Kanso: Apocalypse: Visions of the Apocalypse in nabil Kanso's art - Apocalyptic art- horsemen of the apocalypse - apocalipsis - the book of Revelation - St John
Kanso: Life and time of Melhem Mustafa Kanso, a humanitrian known for his compassion and charity toward the poor.The outpouring of his extraordinary generosity and life-long commitment to the needy and unfortumate touched many people's lives.
Kanso: Life and time of Melhem Mustafa Kanso, a humanitrian known for his compassion and charity toward the poor.The outpouring of his extraordinary generosity and life-long commitment to the needy and unfortumate touched many people's lives.
KANSO's books featuring color reproductions of his paintings series The Split of Life, Faust, and Othello, Kanso Gallery: paintings, drawings, and works on paper