<p><span><a href="http://bigsight.org/jorge_galindo">Jorge Galindo</a> brings a rich and varied background to his private practice...
Dr. Jorge Galindo is an experienced marriage, family, and child therapist who shares a practice with his wife Miriam Galindo, Psy.D. Based in Irvine, California, he ...
An experienced family therapist based in Irvine, California, Dr. Jorge Galindo began preparing for his career as a student at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, Cali...
A licensed marriage and family therapist, Jorge Galindo operates a private practice in Irvine, California, which he shares with his wife, Miriam Galindo, Psy.D. Amon...
<p>In his current work counseling court-referred families and individuals, <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/galindojorge">Jorge Galindo<...
Dr. Miriam Galindo is a Clinical Psychologist who shares a private practice in Irvine, California with her husband Dr. Jorge Galindo. Specializing in counseling chil...
GALINDO AND ASSOCIATES a certified psychoanalyst and licensed
psychotherapist, Irvine, Orange County, California, specializing in individual, family, divorce,child custody evaluations and adolescent psychology.
En mi quehacer plástico encontré un camino para expresar el drama que genera la construcción sociocultural de los seres humanos, especialmente en la mujer, que constriñe su espíritu, sus sueños y pasiones. En esencia, mi pintura de carácter figurativo, ex
La historia de El gran soñador, pieza de teatro sin palabras, estrenada en 1973 en el Teatro Olimpia en Buenos Aires, que ganô el premio del Fondo de la artes y llevô el teatro argentino por toda Europa