Janja Srečkar presents her science fiction trilogy The Frequency, entitled by the first in the series of three ebooks: The Frequency, Floodlight and Skatur. Science fiction novel The Frequency is available in two well-known formats to enable the best poss
L LIKE LOVE is a first feature film by young talented film director Janja Glogovac. It is about the friendship, love and the decadent society of today, where moral values are lost once money and drugs are involved
Janja Vogrin je odlična citrarka. Na citre igra že vrsto let. Janja Vogrin se je z glasbo začela ukvarjati z osmimi leti. Mnogi jo poznate tudi kot slovenska Esmeralda
Atelje keramike posvecen umjetnickoj keramici, kao i istrazivanju keramike iz vremena Japoda, starog naroda koji je zivio na podrucju Like i sjeverne Bosne.