Learn Java online. Android development tutorials, Java tutorials for beginners, Java books, Scala, Groovy and JRuby news, tutorials, code examples and snippets, articles and more.
JRuby on Rails Blog - Informationen rund um JRuby, Rails und Ruby - Agilität von Ruby mit der ausgereiften Infrastruktur und Bibliotheken der Java-Welt. Ruby on Rails ermöglicht eine unglaubliche Geschwindigkeit bei der Entwicklung von Webanwendungen, Jav
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Everything Ruby and software development related, from Golang, Python, MacRuby to Rails3 without forgetting Rack, JRuby, Rubinius, Sinatra, Merb or CouchDB. Matt Aimonetti shares his experiments with software development.
Software development and other square topics. A personal blog with solutions and how-to articles about Java, Ruby, JRuby, Spring Framework, Linux, and more.
Contact Maintenance Mode for Ruby on Rails Web Development, RoR Agile Development, JRuby Development, Ruby on Rails Application Development by Expert Ruby on Rails Developers.