Operatives, kostenbewusstes Interim Management im Einkauf, Vertrieb, Business Development, Organisation, Messen- und Event-Planung, Marketing- und PR, für Kleinbetriebe und Mittelstand, Interim Management, Business Development, Interims Manageme
Interims allows interim management professionals to connect, showcase their services, & build relationships with interim managers, clients & influencers.
Interims for Development supports the development efforts of African countries by placing the expertise of experienced professionals in African companies for short-term, voluntary assignments.
ParetoPoint ist ein Beratungsunternehmen, das spezialisiert ist auf die Bereiche Projekt- u. Interims-Management sowie Organisations-Projekte. GF: Dr. Ingo Bock
Ruby Interims was established in 2001 and has provided essential HR expertise to numerous businesses as they have gone through significant periods of change.