Inter-Med Technologies in Freport, NY provides Diagnostic & Screening Equipment for Hearing Health Care Professionals, including audiometers, VNG, Balance assessment, vestibular assessment, Sound Rooms, Tympanometers, OAE, Otoacoustic emissions, hearing s
The last fitness guide you´ll ever need. Improve your: Strength, Condition, Flexibility, Coordination, Speed, Power, Quickness & Balance. Choose the Fitness Program that suites YOUR specific needs, fitness level & lifestyle. (Beg, Inter, Adv) Eas
The last fitness guide you´ll ever need. Improve your: Strength, Condition, Flexibility, Coordination, Speed, Power, Quickness & Balance. Choose the Fitness Program that suites YOUR specific needs, fitness level & lifestyle. (Beg, Inter, Adv) Eas
Holistic Wholeness Radio Show Join our inter-connected community and benefit from becoming connected to the whole of you. Once your body, mind, spirit, health, and wealth are aligned, you’ll find yourself living in perfect balance! Your hosts Barbara J.
IN BALANCE es un centro dedicado al desarrollo equilibrado de los bebés y niños. Este surge por el gran interés que tenemos en el crecimiento y el desarrollo integral de los peques.
Debra Stone ~ Awaken The Healer Within You: Reiki Master, Energy Practitioner, Rosen Method Movement Teacher. Debra's evolving Practice of Ancient Healing Traditions offer an opportunity to awaken the healer within you to gently release energy blocks
Are you exhausted? Women today really do feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Every morning we are greeted with a long list of to-dos: get the kids up and out the door on time, have a meaningful quiet time, put in a full day at the office, spe
Specialists in Land Use Hydrology, Community Health, Environmental Planning, Technical Assistance, Education and Training Programs. Balancing Ecological Systems and Human Health Integrating Science, Management and Policy. Inter-disciplinary, multi-cultur
Namaste with Love is dedicated to Lightworkers and Truth-Seekers. A place of Light, Love, Wisdom, Compassion, and Understanding. Namaste With Love's intent is for the well-being, health, inter-knowing and spiritual growth for all.
Genesa Crystals - Spherical Sacred Geometry Handcrafted in Copper. Genesa Crystals are elemental geometry reflecting the ancient wisdom of unity and the modern understanding of interconnectedness. Used around the world, Genesa crystals are pleasing, inter
Inter-Faith Community Services (IFCS), established in 1964, is a nonprofit, nonsectarian social services organization that provides essential services and