Genotaur is applying advanced evolutionary computation techniques, cognitive computing, and complementary advanced communications technologies to create new forms of intelligent digital beings.
The numerical properties of the opening Hebrew words of the Bible reveal a form of supernatural communication of a type comparable with that sought by SETI and others as positive evidence of the existence of intelligent extraterrestial beings. Here is an
The Andromedans is a monumental work of science fiction. It is a story of adventure and high technology. The action erupts when a team of nonhuman, intelligent beings show up in New York City. They are directed to the United Nations where they speak to a
Quantum Christ Consciousness - a religion based on love and forgiveness and acceptance of others; protecting your own rights to Free Will & choice and belief in evolutionism, creationism and intelligent extra terrestrial Beings.
A novel that tells of the quest to escape a dying Earth and to colonize a distant planet in the Galaxy, and a parallel quest to save the inhabitants of that world.