CyberJuris - The Indian portal for Cyber law and Security, Cyber crime, Lottery scam, Outsourcing companies have to focus on information security as well as a strong legal framework to ward themselves against information theft., Spear phishing attacks are
A new US healthcare law related to 9/11 attacks may erode the profitability of Indian IT companies, among others, as it seeks to raise funds by continuing an increased visa fee regime for skilled workers.
The Christmas Special is a thought provoking political thriller revolving around a series of Christmas morning terrorist attacks. Beside the death and destruction wrought by these attacks, the selected day of execution could darken the sacred celebration
The Christmas Special is a thought provoking political thriller revolving around a series of Christmas morning terrorist attacks. Beside the death and destruction wrought by these attacks, the selected day of execution could darken the sacred celebration
IPCS conducts independent research on conventional and non-conventional security issues in the region and shares its findings with policy makers and the public.