"...and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and FIRE." Matthew 3:11 Vision: Our vision is to ignite a massive global revival between divided races, denominations, and cultures through prophetic evangelism. Mission: Ignite Ministries, in pa
God has given us a new mission and a new name because He is doing a new thing in the earth in this hour. Our name IS our mission! Our desire is to bring God glory.
Life Action Ministries exists to ignite Christ-centered movements of authentic christianity that displays the gospel and fulfills the Great Commission.
Evangelist Aaron Griffith's ministry focuses on salvation, healing, deliverance, faith teaching, and the Holy Spirit. He is available for church meetings, revivals, camp meetings, and youth rallies. When I leave a service or meeting, I don't car
"...and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and FIRE." Matthew 3:11 For more info. on Ignite Wilmington go to Speaking & Events & Blog page Vision: Our vision is to ignite a massive global revival between divided races, denom
Ceejay Horrell Ministries is devoted to hearts experiencing change, while healing, igniting and equipping individuals to passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
Epicenter Ministries International was founded by Rob Murdoch to take the gospel of the kingdom to the nations. Preparing and igniting people to be world changers.
Ignited Ministries is devoted Igniting a passion for revival in the hearts of God's people everywhere and to the truth that God, Jesus, is alive and speaks if you have an ear to hear His Spirit.
Ignited Ministries is devoted Igniting a passion for revival in the hearts of God's people everywhere and to the truth that God, Jesus, is alive and speaks if you have an ear to hear His Spirit.