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Η ελληνική προέκταση της ιαπωνικής σχολής Komyo Reiki Kai® του Hyakuten Inamoto sensei. Η σχολή μας είναι μία εκ των τεσσάρων σχολών του παραδοσιακού ιαπωνικού Ρέικι συστ�
Accademia Superiore di Reiki per lo studio e la diffusione della disciplina Giapponese del Reiki. Corsi Amatoriali e Professionali a Verona e Reggio Emilia.
The mission of Auburn Reiki Center is to create a Sangha (spiritual community) of Reiki practitioners for the Auburn area and other surrounding regions.
The mission of Auburn Reiki Center is to create a Sangha (spiritual community) of Reiki practitioners for the Auburn area and other surrounding regions.
The mission of Auburn Reiki Center is to create a Sangha (spiritual community) of Reiki practitioners for the Auburn area and other surrounding regions.