Chemical, energy and fertilizer industry news & market intelligence from ICIS. Stay ahead with the latest chemical, energy & fertilizer industry reports.
Chemical prices and chemical industry trends from ICIS pricing. Find commodity price history, biofuels prices, fertilizer prices and chemical market intelligence
ICIS (Independent Clinical Initiative Services Ltd.) is an essential and dynamic resource for resolving areas of difficulty or conflict in human behaviour.
Thank you for visiting the ICIS Base Oils Lubricants Conferences portfolio website. The ICIS Base Oils Lubricants Conference series is by far the best attended in the industry. With 8 events over the course of this year, ICIS plays host to over 2,000 dele
Welcome to The 3rd ICIS European Surfactants Conference The 3rd ICIS European Surfactants Conference took place on 4th 5th September 2014 at the Westin Grand, Berlin. The one and a half day day event was hugely successful attracting 90 industry profession
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Chemical prices and chemical industry trends from ICIS pricing. Find commodity price history, biofuels prices, fertilizer prices and chemical market intelligence