Ice Arena Institute of Management is the premiere online professional development program for certification in ice arena operations, programming and management
Ice Arena Institute of Management is the premiere online professional development program for certification in ice arena operations, programming and management, Asociación de Masaje Infantil en Guatemala IAIM, Cursos de Masaje Infantil para padres con sus bebés de 1 a 12 meses, impartidos por Instructoras Certificadas de Masaje Infantil IAIM.
Welcome to Baby Massage Christchurch Jo Osborne has been a Children’s Physiotherapist since 2000, working with children of all ages and abilities. Jo trained with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) in 2008 to be able to instruct paren
Kerrin Booth qualified as a Remedial Massage therapist in 1989 and a Naturopath in 1992. In 2010, while she was pregnant with her son, she qualified through the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) as an Infant Massage instructor, teaching
Spædbørnsmassage åbner mulighed for en tid til samvær, afslapning og velvære både for den som giver og modtager massagen. Se mere om IAIM instruktørkurser.
Maiquetía, 10 de febrero de 2013.- El Instituto Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetía (IAIM) procedió a ajustar, a partir de este viernes 8 de febrero, el valor del derecho aeroportuario (tasa a...