Hydrocar: produzione di prese di forza, pompe a pistoni, distributori idraulici, comandi pneumatici e meccanici, serbatoi, kit idraulici e accessori per camion e veicoli industriali.
Produzione di pompe a pistoni ad alta ed altissima pressione e portata per agricoltura e industria. Ultra high and high pressure and volume plunger pumps for agriculture and industry.
Jsme autorizovaný prodejce a servis vozů IVECO, autorizovaný servisní partner MAN, komunálních nástaveb FARID, zametacích strojů JOHNSTON, komponent MORO a HYDROCAR na Mladoboleslavsku, Liberecku a Jablonecku. Úpravy a přestavby nákladních vozidel všeho d
Jsme autorizovaný prodejce a servis vozů IVECO, autorizovaný servisní partner MAN, komunálních nástaveb FARID, zametacích strojů JOHNSTON, komponent MORO a HYDROCAR na Mladoboleslavsku, Liberecku a Jablonecku. Úpravy a přestavby nákladních vozidel všeho d
Global producer of hydrogen PEM fuel cell and integrated products up to 5000W, with a strong focus on commercialization across several industries including outdoors, back-up power, aerospace and didactic equipment.
Clannah Natural Energy is Northern Ireland’s most unique energy company focusing on traditional oil and gas exploration, renewable and alternative energy along with the energy of the human mind and spirit.
Global producer of hydrogen PEM fuel cell and integrated products up to 5000W, with a strong focus on commercialization across several industries including outdoors, back-up power, aerospace and didactic equipment.