Sewells Indian Arts, featuring Hopi Kachinas, Southwest Jewelry, Storytellers, Pottery, Buckles, Painted Ponies, Blown Glass, Horse of a Different Color and many other items
Kopavi is a Gallery in Sedona AZ offering a breathtaking view of Hopi-Land’s most exquisite jewelry, including the original jewelry from Hopi Master Jeweler Victor Coochwytewa. Kopavi only carries original Hopi Art.
About Keams Canyon and the McGees
McGees Indian Art Gallery and Shopping Center is located in Keams Canyon, Arizona, within the Hopi Reservation, on Route 264. It is an easy ride north from Interstate 40--via Winslow, AZ, on Route 87 or via Holbrook, AZ,
Welcome! Go directly to the Ebay store to see the newest listings right here. By far the most popular category in the Ebay store is vintage Native American rings. These popular jewelry items sell fast, and new listings are added weekly. Each ring is a un