First Avenue Baptist Church is a Independent, Fundamental Kings James Version Bible believing soul winning, Trinity (God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
New Covenant Church is a Torah observant Apostolic Church for the family. A congregation tht believes there is only one God who has given the world his Torah so that we may live in a way that pleases him. We believe in prayer and the power of God to answe
Reformation Preaching Conference is dedicated to the public proclamation of God's Word to edify the saints, call sinners to repentance and defend the faith.
The Donelson Fellowship is a Free Will Baptist Church Located in Nashville, TN. We offer a wide range of ministries from infants through senior adults for the purpose of extending and strengthening the Kingdom for Christ and His Glory!
FWCA Mission - To promote and further the good of all residents living in Fleming Meadows and Westbury Estates Subdivisions and therefore, the public good by bringing about civic betterment and social improvements.