Welcome to the Theoi Project, a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) an
Kolonos Press publishes writings on contemporary interpretations of ancient Greek thought and literature, and comparisons of the mythology of ancient Greece and ancient Indo-European and Scandanavian cultures.
Angheliki Worning is a writer and a teacher of Greek language for foreigners in Athens. Teaching Greek Language for non-Greek speakers, in literature and civilisation, French language and literature.
Learn ancient Greek by reading the actual literature with the help of mouse-over translations: Homer, Aristotle, Sappho, John's Gospel. Greek Grammar notes provided.
Greek poetry - Cyprus poetry - Greek literature - Academy of Athens member - Costas Montis: The official website, created by his daughter, Stalo Monti-Pouagare.
Maria Eliades is a Greek-American writer who was born in New York, raised in New Jersey but currently lives in Istanbul, Turkey.
She mainly covers Turkish literature in translation, Istanbul's literary scene and Greek/Turkish culture for a variety of pub
Nikos Zarkos has shown a keen interest in exploring the uncharted peripheries of the modern guitar repertoire, while at the same time he has been treasuring the Greek guitaristic literature. Born in Kavala, Greece, in 1981, started playing the guitar at t
A musical comedy about illegal immigration, inspired by the true story of a Princeton Undergrad who was an illegal alien. He got a Rhodes Scholarship to study Classical Greek and Latin Literature at Oxford
Andrioti School in Corfu, Greece, has been providing quality English or Greek language courses, culture or literature seminars and special vacation courses, since 1977.
The Survey of Audio-Visual Resources for Classics: Roman, Latin, Greek history, mythology, art, archaeology,
philosophy, religion, culture, language and literature on cd
video slides maps posters more
h (ETA) is the Greek letter used for efficiency in scientific and engineering literature. Efficiency is generally defined as the useful output compared to the input. The choice of this letter for the identity of our firm reflects our vision in realizing a
A collection of John G. Fitch's studies and publications, including Greek & Roman literature, poetry, ancient & modern farming, local history & genealogy.
The SBL Greek New Testament is a new, critically edited Greek New Testament published jointly by the Society of Biblical Literature and Logos Bible Software. Free download!
Dedicated to keeping alive the many long hours of research spent during my undergraduate degree writing essays (particularly essays on Ancient Greek literature).
A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey: Crash Course Literature 201, greek lit project, greek lit project, The Slaughter - Greek Lit, Greek Lit Project.m4v, Vartan Gregorian on Lincoln, the iPhone and Greek Lit
The primary purpose of the site is to make available English versions of the paradoxographical texts. 'Paradoxography' is the name now given to a genre of ancient – mostly Greek – literature describing various marvels of the natural and human worlds, whic
This is a Web site for people who want to learn Latin and Greek. We teach all levels of Latin and Latin literature, from beginning to advanced. And we do that in Latin and Greek.
greekbooks.gr . The best and most functional on-line bookstore with Greek books. Greekbooks: το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό online βιβλιοπωλείο - πολυκατάστημα.