Do you have an amazing book idea? Hire a professional ghostwriter to help you write and publish your story. Call Laura Sherman at (727) 736-4436 today!
New York Times bestselling editor and ghostwriter to write your memoir, business book, or nonfiction. Get your book written and published the right way.
Sie suchen einen Ghostwriter für Ihr Buchprojekt, Ihre Biographie oder um Ihre Doktor-/Diplomarbeit überarbeiten zu lassen? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig.
Russell Martin is a nationally and internationally bestselling ghostwriter who has worked for many years in collaboration with distinguished authors to create books that are powerful, persuasive, and critically as well as commercially successful.
Writing a book, ebook, screenplay, blog, children's book, or novel? Need the help of a professional ghostwriter? Hire from the best talent and establish yourself as an expert.
Ghostwriting | Psaní odborných i popularizačních prací a textů na objednávku klientů. Nájemný neviditelný autor (ghostwriter) je duch a není vidět. Píšeme ghostwritingové texty, poskytujeme pomoc při přípravě písemností a při publikační činnosti. Naši g
Karen Moline is the author of two novels: the newly reissued Lunch, and Belladonna. She is also a nonfiction ghostwriter for over two dozen books as well as an entertainment/pop culture/beauty journalist based in Manhattan.