Geolog operates at the forefront of technology in the field of surface logging. Geolog's mud logging services are centered around drilling optimization and formation evaluation to reduce drilling costs, to improve safety, and to detect and evaluate
Geolog operates at the forefront of technology in the field of surface logging. Geolog's mud logging services are centered around drilling optimization and formation evaluation to reduce drilling costs, to improve safety, and to detect and evaluate reser
Geolog operates at the forefront of technology in the field of surface logging. Geolog's mud logging services are centered around drilling optimization and formation evaluation to reduce drilling costs, to improve safety, and to detect and evaluate reser
La Società Geolog Srl nasce dall'unione di due giovani professionisti esperti nel campo della geognostica, nelle tematiche ambientali e specializzati nel settore delle indagini geotecniche. La sede è a Ravenna.
GeoLog Solutions is a World Leader in Memory logging Solutions for Cased and Open hole environments. GeoDrill Data Systems utilizes this technology to create a superior MWD / LWD logging System for International or Local Markets
Společnost 2G geolog s.r.o. se zabývá geologickými průzkumy, studiemi a odbornými posudky. Dnešní doba je kromě jiného charakteristická mohutnou stavební činností, investovanou soukromými společnostmi, státem a obcemi a v nemalé míře i občany. Území České