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Horse Pictures, Horse Photography, Raising and Stallion service for the Missouri Foxtrotter, Equine Graphic Designs and Web Pages. Breeding quality registered Missouri FoxTrotters.
Horse Pictures, Horse Photography, Raising and Stallion service for the Missouri Foxtrotter, Equine Graphic Designs and Web Pages. Breeding quality registered Missouri FoxTrotters.
The Missouri Foxtrotter originated in the Ozark mountains in Arkansas and Missouri during the 1820s and, as such, is one of America's oldest breeds of horse.
Missouri foxtrotter horses are raised in a herd environment on War Pony Ranch and trained for trail riding, pleasure driving, and family horses using natural horsemanship techniques.
We are not 'breeders' in the traditional sense but fanciers of the foxtrotting horse. We strive to have foxtrotters that are correct for the show ring, but versatile enough to take home to trail ride forever. Standing Prince Jester's Ridin Gold.
The Danney Joe W. bred stallions offer an athletic, intelligent, and durable foundation for our breed program. If the foundation is right it’s easy to build excellence. We offer smooth gaited horses. Missouri fox trotter horses of exceptional minds, gai