An emerging Exploration and Production (E&P) company with proven capability for innovative floating solutions (FPSO, MOPU, FSRU, TLP) and early production systems (EPS) is your first and best source for information about fsru . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
Duke LNG is focussed on the development and operation of floating LNG re-gasification terminals (FSRU). The area of operations will predominantly be in South Asia where LNG import infrastructure is required to meet the region’s growing appetite for energy
With a track record of accomplishments and innovation, we are the recognized leader in floating LNG regasification solutions. We pioneered the first FSRU in the industry.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Başbakan Binali Yıldırım, İzmir'deki FSRU Projesi (Yüzer LNG Terminali/ Floating Storage and Regasification) Açılış Törenine katıldı.
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dijadwalkan meresmikan sejumlah proyek Pertamina yang dipusatkan di Floating Strorage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) Jawa ...
One of the world's foremost designers and manufacturers of Cryogenic valves and fluid control equipment based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK. Global experience and knowledge across a range of industry sectors and have a thorough understanding of i
Excelerate Energy in Houston Texas provides Floating LNG Importation Solutions through Regasification and is a developer of LNG transportation and regasification infrastructure.
FPSO Africa 2014 Conference is the ONLY conference offering you a 360 degree overview of the planned and current FPSO projects in the region. Currently the Gulf of Guinea is one of the most populated water areas, with over 40 FPSOs currently operating in
TGE Marine is a long established market leader for the design and construction of cargo handling systems for ships and offshore units carrying liquefied cryogenic LNG, LPG, and petrochemical gases).
Since 1974, Waller Marine, Inc. has set the standard for high quality in Naval Architecture and Marine Services, including EPC contracting, power barges, marine salvage, liquefaction, gas to liquids, liquid natural gas vessels and alternative energy vesse