is a set of extensible schemas that enables webmasters to embed
structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications.
GetSimple is an open source Simple CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of flat file XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any lite Content Management System out there. It requires no database and has a powerful plugin system th provides web developers with a basic introduction to programming in XML, XML DTD, XML DOM, XML XSL, XML RSS and ASP.NET. Learn how to create basic XML programs from's expert tutorials and example code.
The original IP scanner for Windows, Max and Linux. Fast, friendly, extensible, free and open-source. Scans addresses and ports in any range and exports results in many formats.
Umbrella Web Studio offers you the creation of sharp, up-to-date Web applications with extensible functionality and scalability for high traffic loads. The company offers a wide range of experience in the creation of successful commercial projects.
Fangtai es un productor experto en equipo de empaque de plástico en China. Ofrecemos principalmente máquinas para fabricar film extensible, máquinas para hacer film plástico transparente, máquinas de film soplado, máquinas para hacer bolsas, etc. Todas es
Trouvez une table extensible qui répondra à vos besoins et qui pourra bien s'adapter dans votre cuisine ou salon lorsque vous recevrez la famille ou les amis.
Load2Test is an integrated, extensible load testing framework for performance validation and root cause analysis in development, test and staging environments.