Tony Jones is an average teen from earth who finds himself mysteriously transported to the magical world of Magi-Nation. In these Moonlands, Tony befriends two young Magi heroes who join him on a journey to defeat the evil Shadow Magi.
NBA Heroes with special super capabilities. From on the court to off the court, your favorite basketball star players come together to defend against evil.
League of Angels Login maybe the League of Angels Login is helpful for you. League of Angels is a dynamic turn-based strategy MMORPG set in a fantasy world of angels, magic, and heroes. Join thousands of players in a quest to fight evil, free imprisoned A
Spanning centuries, this is the epic multi-book story of the heroes that diligently and silently fight the evil that rages among those that seek power over mankind, while fighting their own struggles within that could tip them towards doing great evil sho
Spanning centuries, this is the epic multi-book story of the heroes that diligently and silently fight the evil that rages among those that seek power over mankind, while fighting their own struggles within that could tip them towards doing great evil sho
Nightwatch- The web series follows a team of teen heroes who use their supernatural powers to fight the forces of evil and organized crime. Nightwatch- The web series follows a team of teen heroes who use their supernatural powers to fight the forces of e
Creative geniuses Suda 51 (No More Heroes) and Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) present Shadows of the Damned, an all-new twisted vision of hell unlike anything