Vi är en kreativ fullservicebyrå inom roadshows och mobila events. Vi skapar affärer, relationer, attitydförändring och engagemang genom slagkraftiga möten.
Expomobil. Efter 20 år och fler än 300 genomförda roadshows i Sverige och Europa är vi idag marknadsledare i norden på roadshows och mobila events.
Jumping Jack is a through-the-line Creative Communications Agency. Working on Branding, Packaging, Websites, Instore, Brochures in the FMCG and Corporate markets. Visit Now or Call 0117 973 9873.
Imagine Marketing based in Dublin is the leading Experiential & Promotional Marketing Agency in Ireland. The company specialises in Experiential Marketing, Roadshows, Promotional Staffing, Guerilla Marketing and Word of Mouth campaigns as well as Soci
Manipal ACE is a team of young, creative, enthusiastic and dynamic professionals with a sparking stream of ideas having vast experience in the field of Events & Environment.
Ein auf den Messebau und Innenausbau spezialisiertes, international aufgestelltes Unternehmen, dessen alleiniges Ziel es ist, Ihre architektonischen Entwürfe und Ideen 1:1 in die Tat umzusetzen.
Platform Productions is an a event Management company, operated by a small close-knit team of people; like minded experts in their fields are involved in strategic planning and implementation of projects from concept to conclusion. Specialized to cater th
Platform Productions is an a event Management company, operated by a small close-knit team of people; like minded experts in their fields are involved in strategic planning and implementation of projects from concept to conclusion. Specialized to cater th
Ein auf den Messebau und Innenausbau spezialisiertes, international aufgestelltes Unternehmen, dessen alleiniges Ziel es ist, Ihre architektonischen Entwürfe und Ideen 1:1 in die Tat umzusetzen.