Reverend Barbara J Butler is an interfatih, non-denominational minister with a degree from the Ernest Holmes College/School of Minsitry in Los Angeles CA received in 1983.
A wonderful site dedicated to Dr. Ernest Holmes and his beliefs, teachings, and our own beliefs, you will also find products that relate to health and metaphysics not to mention Ernest Holmes on CD.
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes's books can be read for free at - the free Library of Metaphysical New Thought Books and Texts with Links to New Thought Communities and Teachers worldwide.
Inspired by the teachings of Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind, our spiritual community shares 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, classes, and special events in Ojai. The Center for Spiritual Living Ojai Serves Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
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Inspired by the teachings of Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind, our spiritual community shares 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, classes, and special events in Ojai. The Center for Spiritual Living Ojai Serves Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Center for Spiritual Living, Reno, Nevada, is a spiritual community and way of life that honors all paths to God, Science of Mind teachings by Ernest Holmes.
Spirituality,Oneness, Unity, Ernest Holmes, Centers for Spiritual Living, Fayettevile, Arkansas, Personal Empowerment, Change your thinking, Change your life
Inspired by the teachings of Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind, our spiritual community shares 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, classes, and special events in Ojai. The Center for Spiritual Living Ojai Serves Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Reverend Barbara J Butler is an interfatih, non-denominational minister with a degree from the Ernest Holmes College/School of Minsitry in Los Angeles CA received in 1983.
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Creative Life is a spiritual community in suburban Houston, Texas, teaching and living the Science of Mind, a transformational path first articulated by the American philosopher Ernest Holmes.
The Center for Spiritual Living Morristown NJ is a metaphysical teaching center based on the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes. The quality of life’s experience first begins within our own consciousness. We alone hold the key to self-realization – the experi