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Best Engineering College in Bangalore,Top Engineering College in Bangalore. Acharya Institutes offers Engineering, Management (MBA), Architecture and
other courses at Bangalore campus.
I’m co-founder and Head of Engineering at Confluent. Co-creator of Apache Kafka. Previously, led the streams infrastructure area at LinkedIn. My interests include building and scaling large scale distributed systems. In my free time, I travel and try my h
The Somaiya Vidyavihar campus comprises 34 individual institutes dedicated in the streams of arts, sciences, management, engineering, medicine, humanities, philosophies and social sciences.
Innovators in engineering plastics recovery, Eco-Care has a major role to play in ensuring the availability, reliability, sustainability and profitability of engineered plastics derived from controlled composite waste streams, and related products and pr
Innovators in engineering plastics recovery, Eco-Care has a major role to play in ensuring the availability, reliability, sustainability and profitability of engineered plastics derived from controlled composite waste streams, and related products and pr
Streamline Engineering is a civil engineering consulting firm in Sonoma County, CA, specializing in grading and drainage, streams, erosion control, & topographic surveying.
Find colleges from different streams ranging from Management, Engineering, Medical, Architecture, Arts, Aviation, Computers, Commerce, Pharmacy, Hotel management, etc..
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Chittoor Polytechnic College offers three year diploma course in 5 streams. Mechanical, Civil,Electrical,Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Electronics and Communication Engineering and Automobile Engineering
D.E.Solution offers state-of-the-art knowledge engineering to help clients manage digital assets and harness multiple information streams for data-savvy decision making.
Ginn Mineral Technology specializes in industrial mineral and base metal resources and in extracting value from industrial waste streams, also known as Mineral Engineering. White minerals such as kaolin, calcium carbonate, talc, halloysite, titanium diox