Lawyers for Wartime Veterans is a business that provides education, training and systems for law firms that want to grow their practice while assisting veterans.
The Process system is complete with a standard operating procedure for conducting client meetings, drafting correspondence between the firm and the client and the firm and the VA, how to manage an appeal and much more.
ElderCounsel is the creator of the ElderDocx software and provides quality elder law education and practice building tools for special needs planning attorneys.
Lawyers for Wartime Veterans is a business that provides education, training and systems for law firms that want to grow their practice while assisting veterans.
More than buying just another estate planning software system, becoming a Lawyer with Purpose will change your life. That's not rhetoric. It's our mission.
The Process system is complete with a standard operating procedure for conducting client meetings, drafting correspondence between the firm and the client and the firm and the VA, how to manage an appeal and much more.
More than buying just another estate planning software system, becoming a Lawyer with Purpose will change your life. That's not rhetoric. It's our mission.