The Ultimate in Green Buildings. Thermal, solar heating and cooling, solar and wind electricity, contained sewage treatment, catchwater. recycled materials.
Oppenheimer Ranch Project is an experiment in alpine sustainability utilizing Permaculture and Biotecture to create a sustainable wilderness earthship homestead
Sustainable Green Buildings. Earthship Biotecture. Solar Powered residential buildings made of recycled materials. From Luxury to Affordable Housing and Disaster Relief.
The Ultimate in Green Buildings. Thermal, solar heating and cooling, solar and wind electricity, contained sewage treatment, catchwater. recycled materials.
The Ultimate in Green Buildings. Thermal, solar heating and cooling, solar and wind electricity, contained sewage treatment, catchwater. recycled materials.
Brittany Groundhouse. Earthship Biotecture in practice. A co-created earthaligned home filmed by Grand Designs and shared with 50 million people worldwide
Brittany Groundhouse. Earthship Biotecture in practice. A co-created earthaligned home filmed by Grand Designs and shared with 50 million people worldwide