Devana Technologies d.o.o. is a company located in Belgrade, Serbia working on new Internet technologies, mobile and web applications. Our goal is to produce applications that use simple human-to-machine interaction, create sane user interfaces, and build
The official website of Anastasia Devana - award-winning Los Angeles music composer for film, TV and video games, and the keyboard player/composer of symphonic metal band Ashentide. Featuring music, news, blog, and more.
The official website of Anastasia Devana - award-winning Los Angeles music composer for film, TV and video games, and the keyboard player/composer of symphonic metal band Ashentide. Featuring music, news, blog, and more.
The official website of Anastasia Devana - award-winning Los Angeles music composer for film, TV and video games, and the keyboard player/composer of symphonic metal band Ashentide. Featuring music, news, blog, and more.
Manufacturer of multi-channel digital sonobuoy data acquisition cards for use in PC. Data transfer via the USB interface. Programmable to handle data from any digital buoy.
Met een voedselvermaler in uw keuken heeft u geen last meer van vieze stinkende vuilniszakken. Al uw voedselresten vermaalt u gemakkelijk zo door naar het riool. Van fruitschillen tot kippenbotjes, he
Met een voedselvermaler in uw keuken heeft u geen last meer van vieze stinkende vuilniszakken. Al uw voedselresten vermaalt u gemakkelijk zo door naar het riool. Van fruitschillen tot kippenbotjes, he