MDRP - The Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program is a multi-agency effort that supports the demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants in the greater Great Lakes region of Central Africa
The Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (SDDRC) was formed to implement the DDR process in Sudan at the state and local levels. SDDRC was e established -by a Presidential decree by the National DDR Coordination Council in 2006,
Defense and Development Consultants LLC, offers services in country stability assessments, security sector reform, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and post-conflict reconstruction.
photo credit: Dave DietzI'm an Associate Professor of Politics at Ithaca College. I teach courses in the areas of international relations and comparative politics. My research is in the areas of ethnic conflict, political demobilization, democracy p
Four Rivers Counseling and Consultation Services offers Critical Incident Stress Management [CISM], Organization Development training and workshops, Analytical and Addictions Psychology, and Executive Coaching and Consulting.
LOGiCA: The Learning on Gender and Conflict in Africa Program (LOGiCA) is a multi-donor initiative that aims to contribute to peace and security in Sub-Saharan Africa by supporting gender-sensitive activities related to insecurity and violence in conflict
LOGiCA: The Learning on Gender and Conflict in Africa Program (LOGiCA) is a multi-donor initiative that aims to contribute to peace and security in Sub-Saharan Africa by supporting gender-sensitive activities related to insecurity and violence in conflict