Deliverance Temple Ministries, a church that empowers the local community by effectively leading lost souls to Christ and providing them with the essential tools to live an Abundant Christian Life.
Miracle Deliverance Temple [MDT] Church of a Second Chance [COSC] Apostle Larry DuRant, Pastor Melody DuRant, DuRant, Melody S. DuRant, Word International Ministries
at Rock of Faith Deliverance Temple, Inc., we are committed to serving God and the needs of you and your family. Our deepest passion is to win souls for the kingdom of GOD. Using biblical principles of spirituality, we offer practical tools for leading a
Bibleway Temple Ministries 877 SW 2nd Terrace, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441. 954-531-6775.
The main objective of this ministry is to be kingdom ambassadors for God utilizing sound doctrine of the word of God.
Love Deliverance Temple Church in Omaha, Nebraska is an Apostolic Ministry that trains and equips the five fold ministry to go forth boldly in the earth.
Deliverance Temple Ministries, a church that empowers the local community by effectively leading lost souls to Christ and providing them with the essential tools to live an Abundant Christian Life.
at Rock of Faith Deliverance Temple, Inc., we are committed to serving God and the needs of you and your family. Our deepest passion is to win souls for the kingdom of GOD. Using biblical principles of spirituality, we offer practical tools for leading a
Dr. Melvin A. Futrell is the founder and overseer of Bethel Temple Church of Deliverance in Chesapeake, Virginia. Pastor Futrell has a prophetic message, and he is anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, and to set at libert