Produzione video cinematografica in tutta Italia. Distribuzione di marchi prestigiosi e rivenditore esclusivo per l'Italia di luci Kinoflo, ottiche Carl Zeiss, luci Dedolight, rig per dslr reflex Canon e Nikon Redrockmicro, monitor e luci Ikan, stati
Direct Photographic is the UK's largest photographic lighting and camera rental facility. We stock the latest lighting from Briese, Profoto, Gekko, KinoFlo, Dedolight. Our Camera department stocks the latest Canon 7D, Canon5D mkII, Nikon D3X and Nikon D3
Apache Lighting equipment rental and services for photography, TV, film and commercials and Video. Including Leaf Aptus camera, Arri HMI, Kino Flo, dedolight, digital. Based
Hollingbourne, Maidstone, Kent, UK
Apache Lighting equipment rental and services for photography, TV, film and commercials and Video. Including Leaf Aptus camera, Arri HMI, Kino Flo, dedolight, digital. Based
Hollingbourne, Maidstone, Kent, UK
Direct Photographic is the UK's largest photographic lighting and camera rental facility. We stock the latest lighting from Briese, Profoto, Gekko, KinoFlo, Dedolight. Our Camera department stocks the latest Canon 7D, Canon5D mkII, Nikon D3X and Niko
Apache Lighting equipment rental and services for photography, TV, film and commercials and Video. Including Leaf Aptus camera, Arri HMI, Kino Flo, dedolight, digital. Based
Hollingbourne, Maidstone, Kent, UK
Apache Lighting equipment rental and services for photography, TV, film and commercials and Video. Including Leaf Aptus camera, Arri HMI, Kino Flo, dedolight, digital. Based
Hollingbourne, Maidstone, Kent, UK
Dedotimes ist das offizielle Presseportal der Firma Dedo Weigert Film GmbH. Sie finden hier interessante Berichte,
Anwendungsbeispiele und News zu den Produkten, die durch Dedo Weigert Film vertrieben werden.
Vermietung von Foto-, Kamera-, Objektiv-, Licht- und Beamer-Equipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Nikon, Hasselblad, Linhof, Profoto, Elinchrom, Priolite und Briese in Frankfurt. Mietstudio für People und Beauty.
Vermietung von Licht- und Fotoequipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Hasselblad, Profoto, Bron, Briese, Arri in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Amsterdam.
Vermietung von Licht- und Fotoequipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Hasselblad, Profoto, Bron, Briese, Arri in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Amsterdam.
Vermietung von Licht- und Fotoequipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Hasselblad, Profoto, Bron, Briese, Arri in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Amsterdam.
Vermietung von Licht- und Fotoequipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Hasselblad, Profoto, Bron, Briese, Arri in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Amsterdam.
Vermietung von Licht- und Fotoequipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Hasselblad, Profoto, Bron, Briese, Arri in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Amsterdam.
Vermietung von Licht- und Fotoequipment für die professionelle Fotografie von Canon, Hasselblad, Profoto, Bron, Briese, Arri in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Amsterdam.
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Direct Photographic is the worlds leading specialist photographic rental facility, dedicated to delivering the very best in equipment to photographers worldwide.