Consumed is an exuberant, provocative debut novel from iconic filmmaker David Cronenberg. The story of two journalists whose entanglement in a French philosopher's death becomes a surreal journey into global conspiracy.
HC Consulting has worked with some of the world’s most famous names and brands from Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Twilight’s Taylor Lautner, and Canadian talents such as Gordon Pinsent and David Cronenberg, to overseeing public relations campaigns
Bio of the rock band proXima : -discography -video clips -pictures -gigs -movie projects that use the music of proXima (Cosmopolis a David Cronenberg movie, En solitaire, a Christophe Offenstein movie)
Ray Sullivan is a filmmaker based in Dublin, Ireland. His most recent short film 'Self-Assembly' has been compared to the work of David Lynch and David Cronenberg.
This is the tumblr of Mikal Dyas, a Guernsey (Channel Islands) based illustrator, blogging about illustration, comics, films, record & CD design and Guernsey.
Gregg Daly's The Timeless World. Paralyzed in Life...Sent to Hell. Despised by Death...He is the Weathermaker. Stuck in a routine of death wishing, Gar struggles through his last year of college while trying to overcome the death of his family. When he