At Excel Tax & Wealth Group, our team works with clients of all ages to help plan for a successful financial future. We work hand-in-hand with clients to help them gain added financial peace of mind regardless of stock market and economic volatility.
DS CHIRON created by DIAS GROUP Associates supports your needs as a student in University, as a postgraduate trainee in Hospital and as a Doctor working in a Clinic. Application, Certifications, Consultation, Community life support and Guiding.
The Department of EU funded projects of Dias Media Group develops and implements projects funded by the EU, national and other subsidy schemes. Dias M...
Carlos Dias Jr. is the Founder and President of Excel Tax & Wealth Group and MVP Wealth Management Group and based in the Orlando, Florida area. He concentrates his practice in the areas of tax, financial, and estate planning, investment advisory, portfol
Hotel Miramar is owned, run and managed by the Hotel Miramar Comfort Private Limited Company. This holiday company of Goa is in turn part of the Mac Group Pvt. Ltd which is a Holiday Group of Companies specialized in the Hotel & Hospitality business of G
The Shakermakers play cover versions of all types of music from pop to rock and funk to punk. They play in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. They have recently been on TV show China Dreams on ZJSTV. Thanks for visiting their site, have a look around, get to