Welcome to Valley Cursillo, the Catholic Cursillo community in the Charlottesville-Harrisonburg region of Central Virginia. Valley Cursillo is part of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond.
One option from this page is to learn more about Presbyterian Cursillo spiritual renewal retreats, including when and where they are held and who to contact for more information. The other option is to learn what it takes to start a new Presbyterian Curs
A critique of the Cursillo and related movements focusing on theological concerns, the impropriety of the methods, and complications such as disaffection from the local church.
CursilloItems.com is your home for Cursillo related products. Our mission statement is 'As we serve the Lord, our mission at Cursilloitems.com is to joyfully share the Gospel of God's love; support and encourage His children in their faith walk
To explain Cursillo to someone who has never experienced Cursillo is at best, difficult. Often, for those who have experienced Cursillo it is still so...
Quincy Cursillo is affiliated with the Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Illinois and hosts eight Cursillo weekends each year at Our Lady of Angels Spirituality Center of Quincy University located in Quincy, Illinois.
Welcome to Valley Cursillo, the Catholic Cursillo community in the Charlottesville-Harrisonburg region of Central Virginia. Valley Cursillo is part of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond.
To explain Cursillo to someone who has never experienced Cursillo is at best, difficult. Often, for those who have experienced Cursillo it is still so...
Cursillo is a movement within the Episcopal church. The full name in Spanish, where the movement began, is "Cursillo de Cristianidad" or "short course in Christianity." It's a method to help us grow closer to Jesus Christ. It'