Jennie King, LAc, LMT is a licensed acupuncturist and a licensed massage therapist located on Hawthorne in Portland, OR. Services include acupuncture, bodywork, cupping, Chinese Medicine, IVF transfer acupuncture and cranio-sacral therapy. Her specialties
Jennie King, LAc, LMT is a licensed acupuncturist and a licensed massage therapist located on Hawthorne in Portland, OR. Services include acupuncture, bodywork, cupping, Chinese Medicine, IVF transfer acupuncture and cranio-sacral therapy. Her specialties
Jade River Healing Arts Center specializes in Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine & Massage Therapy for Beaverton and SW Portland.
Beth Koehler, CPC coaches her clients to find clarity, purpose, and strength in their lives incorporating Law of Attraction, EFT, massage, and polarity therapy.
Beth Koehler, CPC coaches her clients to find clarity, purpose, and strength in their lives incorporating Law of Attraction, EFT, massage, and polarity therapy.
Chiropractor in Santa Monica, California offers Activator low force adjustments, Myofascial Release, Laser, Cranio Sacral , Nutrition, TMD, Gentle Activator No Pops No Cracks Contact Santa Monica Chiropractor at (310) 255-0411
Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Shiatsu and Reiki treatments to relieve back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, migraines, ENT problems, sciatica, whiplash, stress.
Healing Hands of Santa Fe Massage Therapy Sharon Lewis, LMT, RCST, Therapist Cranio-Sacral Therapy Aromatherapy Massage Deep Tissue Massage Neuromuscular Therapy Santa Fe NM Massage
OMNIPATHIE® wurde aus der Cranio Sacral Osteopathie entwickelt und steht für eine Energetische Behandlung für alle Lebewesen, sowohl für Tier als auch Mensch. Ute Pfersmann bietet zusätzlich dieses Wissen in einer OMNIPATHIE®-Ausbildung an.
BIO DYNAMIC CRANIO SACRAL THREAPY is a gentle, subtle yet profound approach to treating the whole person.
It is a journey undertaken with a trained therapist to uncover the inherent health that underlies all pathology.
OMNIPATHIE® wurde aus der Cranio Sacral Osteopathie entwickelt und steht für eine Energetische Behandlung für alle Lebewesen, sowohl für Tier als auch Mensch. Ute Pfersmann bietet zusätzlich dieses Wissen in einer OMNIPATHIE®-Ausbildung an.