Holistic Healing Center Austin Texas, holistic healing through colorpuncture and acupuncture. We are fully licensed, colorpuncture certification. We provide chronic pain treatment, endocrine treatments, detox treatments, treatments of chronic and degenera
Colorpuncture training course for all the levels from total beginners to existing practitioners. Get professional training in Esogetic Medicine and receive a Diploma in Esogetic Colourpuncture from the International Mandel Institute in the UK.
Energetic Balancing Techniques including EMF Balancing Technique®, Thought Field Therapy TFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT, Tap4Success, Esogetic Colorpuncture, SomaEnergetics and more
Home page for the Dancing Bear Healing Center which provides Acupuncture, Herbs, Colorpuncture, Acutonics,Soul Therapy, hypnotherapy, workshops and related services.
Home page for the Dancing Bear Healing Center which provides Acupuncture, Herbs, Colorpuncture, Acutonics,Soul Therapy, hypnotherapy, workshops and related services.
Home page for the Dancing Bear Healing Center which provides Acupuncture, Herbs, Colorpuncture, Acutonics,Soul Therapy, hypnotherapy, workshops and related services.
Receive advanced education & certification in one training that most massage & bodyworkers would love to acquire but don't because of time & cost constraints. Learn IMT/STR which includes Acupressure, Reflexology, Visceral Th
Earth Spectrum Health offers an array of heart-centered transformational healing services and products
including Diamond Body Botanicals, Planetary Gem Elixirs, flower essence therapy, and scalar energy systems. Lilli Botchis, Ph.D.,
is a master herba
Providing leading edge LED Light based health solutions for your beauty and wellness goals. Using Anti-Aging LED light to diminish wrinkles for younger, radiant skin.
Providing leading edge LED Light based health solutions for your beauty and wellness goals. Using Anti-Aging LED light to diminish wrinkles for younger, radiant skin.