International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) is an open access international peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal that publishes quality studies related to science and education.
What new Business opportunities do new technologies of Nanotechnology, modern Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science offer? Innumerable, is the short answer.
We apply the new field of cognitive science to contemporary leadership. Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary field that studies how the mind works (and how it could work better). We help our clients to use and apply this knowledge in such areas as s
The Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science (BSCS) is a study abroad program established in 2003, possessing a solid combination of rich traditions and academic excellence.
The Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science (BSCS) is a study abroad program established in 2003, possessing a solid combination of rich traditions and academic excellence.
Jvion's Clinical Cognitive Science Recommendation Machine allows you to see the future state of a patient's health and empowers you to do something about it
Mobile-first enhanced topic specific search engine that has been designed to search for information, products, and services related to Cognitive Science.