Welcome to A Christmas Carol: The Musical Ghost Story, a brand new Musical Adaptation of the Charles Dickens Classic, with book, muisic, & lyrics by Joel Mercier
Music Online Christmas: Everything about Christmas music online, learn about musical artists and albums, hear free previews of Christmas songs. Information...
A hip alternative to the standard holiday fare, 'The Paisley Sisters' Christmas Special' is a musical comedy about a girl group and their 1964 Christmas TV special.
December 10-12 at Bethel Church, Christmas in the Red is an original musical production created by Bethel's own Worship Ministries team. It tells the story of two families who cope with crisis in very different ways with very different results. While mai
New alternative pop musical nativity. The Christmas Story like you've never heard it before. Perfect for schools, glee clubs, youth theatres and churches
Alison Levenberg is a professional dancer based in New York who is available for dance tuition, performances and other theatrical metier in the tri-state area