Constitutional Education and Activism - We help educate people on the U.S. Constitution, what it says, what it means, and how it is being destroyed by our elected officials, lobby groups, and others
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
The Twelve23 Movement seeks to openly and intentionally change the character and condition of America by strengthening Christian faith and character in all areas of public and private life. This mission is accomplished by cultivating awareness of our need
All Fasting Principles at Christian website with major deliverance principles on biblical fasting, prayer, etc. Uncovering its biblical purpose, its power, price, precautions, etc
Investment Principles for the Obedient Christian - Kindle edition by Greg Harris. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Investment Principles for
33punto3 Apparel, A new way to express your faith! Christian tshirts, caps, hoodies, sandals, clothing with bible messages and principles, graphic tees in english and spanish. Playeras y remeras cristianas, sudaderas, sandalias, gorras con principios bibl
33punto3 Apparel, A new way to express your faith! Christian tshirts, caps, hoodies, sandals, clothing with bible messages and principles, graphic tees in english and spanish. Playeras y remeras cristianas, sudaderas, sandalias, gorras con principios bibl
33punto3 Apparel, A new way to express your faith! Christian tshirts, caps, hoodies, sandals, clothing with bible messages and principles, graphic tees in english and spanish. Playeras y remeras cristianas, sudaderas, sandalias, gorras con principios bibl
A Christian Organization Whose Establishment is Based Upon the Principles of the Bible and the Cardinal Tenets of the Christian Faith. (by Raymond Mvuria)
Hands of Blessing - In Grace to Give: A private foundation built on the principles of Christian love and focused on providing financial support to organization that take care of the poor and the needy. Hands of Blessing (HOB) is a private, non-profit corp
Christian deliverance website on breaking curses. Avoid false teachings by learning sound biblical doctrine on breaking curses. Breaking generational curses, family curses, overcoming unforgiveness, etc.