inner explorations is a place where christian mysticism and christian spirituality, theology and the philosophy and metaphysics of st. thomas aquinas and jacques maritain meet buddhism and hinduism, jungian psychology and a new sense of the earth.
Inspiring intimacy with God and helping those who have fallen in love with God. Revealing Christian mysticism and sharing divine union with God as husband and lover. Becoming Christ' bride and accepting spiritual milk and spiritual meat from the hand of G
Clem Peltier, flemish primitives, fine arts, painter, art investments, master of the light, mysticism, anarchy, pre-christian, deeper meaning, vlaamse primitieven, kunstschilder, investeren in kunst, meester van het licht, mystiek, anarchie, voorchristeli
inner explorations is a place where christian mysticism and christian spirituality, theology and the philosophy and metaphysics of st. thomas aquinas and jacques maritain meet buddhism and hinduism, jungian psychology and a new sense of the earth.
The Christian Institute of Spiritual is the web site of a Christian church in Santa Monica, California, that emphasizes meditation, prayer, Christian mysticism, esoteric Bible studies, especially in the works of Hanna Jacob Doumette.