On the 11th of July, Andrew and Jeff are off to the land of yaks and gers, taking part in the Mongolia Charity Rally (www.mongolia.charityrallies.org). It is an annual rally, and this year over 50 teams are taking part. There are teams from Australia, E
Daniel Sass, Kyle Kott, Wilson Reese, Joshua Ober, and Mohit Mehan are about to travel from London to Mongolia, by car, all in the name of charity and adventure! We are participating in the 2015 Mongolia Charity Rally to help raise money for Go Help!, a U
Team Mongolanssi will participate in the Mongolia Charity Rally in July 2015. This Finnish team consists of Ekim Özdemir, Ville Orjala and Kiri Korvenoja. Team Mongolanssi will drive the over 10 000 km rally from London, UK to Mongolia, Ulanbator. Each te
The Rally Indochina annual charity ride in Vietnam down the Ho Chi Minh trail on Soviet Ural motorbikes. Money raised fights child trafficking in Vietnam
The Union Ride & Charity Rally is all uniting all motorcycle enthusiasts, working families and local nonprofits to come together for those who need it most.
[jgwidget:0:left][jgwidget:1:right]George "I would love to do something like that, Andy" Andy "I'll go halves on a car with you if you fancy it?" George "Really!!!?"
[img_assist|nid=25947|title=Finish Line|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=300|height=200]We made it! Thanks for your support. Here's a picture of 3/4 of the team at the finish line. (Tom had to leave early.) You can