The Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa are a newly established religious community of Catholic women living the evangelical life of poverty, chastity and obedience in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary in the heart of the Church.
For nearly 80 years, Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS) has matched youth between the ages of 7 and 18 with volunteer adults who serve as role models, friends, and mentors.
For nearly 80 years, Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS) has matched youth between the ages of 7 and 18 with volunteer adults who serve as role models, friends, and mentors.
For nearly 80 years, Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS) has matched youth between the ages of 7 and 18 with volunteer adults who serve as role models, friends, and mentors.
For nearly 80 years, Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS) has matched youth between the ages of 7 and 18 with volunteer adults who serve as role models, friends, and mentors.
For nearly 80 years, Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS) has matched youth between the ages of 7 and 18 with volunteer adults who serve as role models, friends, and mentors.
For nearly 80 years, Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters (CBBBS) has matched youth between the ages of 7 and 18 with volunteer adults who serve as role models, friends, and mentors.
Catholic Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island were originally from Nauvoo, Illinois. They seek and serve God together in monastic community.
The Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis (BSP) are a Lay Catholic Association promoting a penitential lifestyle, under the Rule that Saint Francis gave to lay people in 1221 and described in the Letter to All the Faithful.
Dominican Sisters, Our Lady of the Springs of Bridgeport is a group of Catholic women who follow the life and teachings of St Dominic. We are devoted to Catholic Ministry through education, and are committed to prayer, study and community living.
The Glenmary Sisters are a community of Catholic Sisters who live and minister in the midst of the people we serve. Our presence and ministry is special in that we may be the first Catholics the people have ever met. Through our compassionate outreach, we
Sisters of Mercy are Roman Catholic women of faith who commit our lives to God and serving those in need. Learn about our initiatives and get involved today.
St Joseph Orphanage and Rehabilitation Center for the Handicapped in Antique, Panay Island, Philippines. Orphanage & Rehab Center is managed by the Sisters of St Joseph Worker. A non-profit, catholic church organization of nuns working for the econo
This website is about false allegations of child abuse - mainly those directed at the Catholic Church in Ireland. I do not dispute that there are real cases of abuse of children by clerics but my contention is that these have been used as an excuse to lau
St. Aloysius Academy is a private Catholic elementary school for boys K to 8, committed to the spiritual, moral, and academic development of each student. Located in the Main Line area of suburban Philadelphia, the Academy is accessible to students living