Photos and images from Puerto Vallarta and a large inventory of stock photography from Mexico and the other global destinations by photographer Mark Callanan featuring landscapes, architecture, travel and tourism.
Maggie Callanan, RN is a hospice nurse and the author of Final Gifts and Final Journeys - books to guide you through end of life care of the terminally ill and listening for the gifts of symbolic communications in Nearing Death Awareness. - The Official S
Matt Callanan Productions. Compelling, Creative Content. Freelance Video Director/Producer (Canon cC00, Canon 5D Mark II Shooter, Canon 5D Mark III, Cameraman, London, Bristol, Cardiff)
The Dignity Memorial™ network of more than 1,600 funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers is North America’s most trusted resource for funeral, cremation and memorialization services.
The Dignity Memorial™ network of more than 1,600 funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers is North America’s most trusted resource for funeral, cremation and memorialization services.