CTTI is a full service cooling tower construction company providing years of expertise and experience in cooling tower inspections, maintenance, repairs, new towers, replacement towers, thermal upgrades, parts, and emergencies.
CTTI Heat Exchangers - IRAN covers the most application areas, extending from air conditioning systems over finned-tube and plate heat exchangers to cooling towers.
This institute was inaugurated on 12th May 2006. The Founder of this Institute has vast experience in Electronics and computer field. He had worked in many reputed companies and in KPT Mangalore as Computer Hardware and Networking Faculty. This Institute
Le Creazioni tecnologiche ticinesi sono un'azienda giovane e dinamica che sviluppa programmi personalizzati su richiesta dei clienti. Potete trovare informazioni sul progetto e sui nostri software, oppure avere la possibilità di contattarci per un ap