Universal Supply Chains Logistic Network mergers Alomar Transport and Intermodal Exports and the result is a highly experienced International Freight Forwarder
Ay Logistic, kara, hava, deniz, demiryolu taşimaciliği, gümrükleme, sigorta ve lojistik hizmetlerinin sağlandığı, sektörde ilk sıralardaki kurumsal bir lojistik firmasıdır.
KD TRANSPORT, International Forwarding Business Ltd. specializes in international transport, logistics, warehousing, customs declaration and INTRASTAT.
Levaco is a traditional forwarding company focussing on sea freight business both for import and exports, offering a wide range of storage facilities and logistics.
Levaco is a traditional forwarding company focussing on sea freight business both for import and exports, offering a wide range of storage facilities and logistics.