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CK Company desarrolladores y creadores de paginas web en distintas tecnologias: HTML5, CCS3, PHP5, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, PYTHON, JQUERY, APACHE, IIS, AJAX, KUMBIAPHP, ETC. Tambien aplicacion para facebook y soporte para Smartphones
Ing. Jean Piere Juarez Campos - Especialista en administracion de servidores, Administracion de servidores en VMware, Administracion de firewall, Desarrollo de Paginas Web en HTML5 y CCS3
Der CCS3 Generator bietet sämtliche neue Funktionen aus CSS3, wodurch die neuen Möglichkeiten von Cascading Style Sheets getestet und ausgenutzt werden können!
Alek Lisefski specializes in green design for sustainable businesses, hand-coded css/xhtml production, ExpressionEngine and Wordpress blog design and content management web solutions with superior SEO
I'm fixated on making things and much more fixated on bringing about a significant improvement. As a web developer one must be able to code in a number of languages to be an expert.